*Check with your institution first to see if they accept credit for the various types of tests listed below.
Advanced Placement (AP) Exams
A series of tests developed by the College Board initially for AP High School courses, including 34 exams in 19 subject areas. For more information visit https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/home.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Exams
There are 33 CLEP exams in 5 different subject areas offered by the College Board. Most CLEP tests cover lower level and introductory knowledge of certain subjects, many of which fall within general education requirements. The cost is typically $80-90 per exam. For more information visit https://clep.collegeboard.org/.
Course Challenge Exams
Local tests developed by a college to verify learning achievement for a particular course. Often in the form of a final exam, this is usually developed by individual departments or faculty members.
DSST Credit by Exam Program
Formerly known as the DANTES Program, tests knowledge of both lower-level and upper-level college material through for upper and lower division credit. Originally only available to military personnel, DSST exams have been made available to the general public for a fee of $80 per test. Because of its military origins, some exams have a focus more useful to military personnel. Exams cover both general topics, and more specific advanced topics. Military personnel should see http://www.dantes.doded.mil/ for more information. If you are not in the military or a veteran, please see http://www.getcollegecredit.com/.
Excelsior College Examinations (formerly, ACT-PEP/RCE)
Excelsior exams are a set of tests offered by Excelsior College on a wide variety of subjects. While often more specific than other standardized exams, Excelsior exams cover both upper and lower division subject areas for college credit. While most of the exams are paper-based, Excelsior does offer 8 lower division exams in a computer-based format (called UExcel). While the cost of each exam can vary, they typically are about $95-$375 per exam. For more information visit http://www.pearsonvue.com/excelsior/.
Thomas Edison State College Examination Program (TECEP)
TECEP exams are a collection of 37 exams in 7 subject areas for both upper and lower division credit. The topics of TECEP exams in many cases are specific and advanced, although there are some introductory subjects covered. For more information, see http://www2.tesc.edu/listalltecep.php.