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    • 3.00 Credits

      This course emphasizes observational skills and the fundamental aspects of drawing - line, tone, space, form, and composition. Traditional media, subjects, and approaches are employed. [This course was previously ARTP 1010.]

      Semester Availability: FALL ONLY - Semester Availability is subject to change. See your advisor.

      Contact Hours: 90 studio hours per semester

      Credits: (3)

    • 3.00 Credits

      This course emphasizes conceptual skills and contemporary approaches to media and subject, based on the fundamental aspects of drawing--line, tone, space, form, and composition. Observational skill development is maintained and figure drawing may be introduced. [This course was previously ART 102 and ARTP 1020.]

      Semester Availability: SPRING ONLY - Semester Availability is subject to change. See your advisor.

      Prerequisites: ART 1045 or permission of the department

      Contact Hours: 90 studio hours per semester

      Credits: (3)

    • 3.00 Credits

      This is a lecture/studio course covering the vocabulary and contemporary environment of the artist and the practical application of the elements and principles of design including color theory and experimentation. [This course was previously ARTP 1110.]

      Contact Hours: 90 studio hours per week

      Credits: (3)

    • 3.00 Credits

      This course is concerned with clay as a creative medium emphasizing aesthetic and personal solutions to ceramic design. Methods to be discussed include hand construction, wheel throwing, glazing and firing. [This course was previously ARTP 135.]

      Semester Availability: FALL ONLY - Semester Availability is subject to change. See your advisor.

      Contact Hours: 90 studio hours per semester

      pCredits: (3)

    • 3.00 Credits

      This course is an introduction to the elements and principles of three-dimensional design. Through the design and construction of 3-D forms using the subtractive and additive processes, we will explore visual and structural qualities as they relate to spatial contexts. Students will work with low-tech, high craft processes to resolve three-dimensional design problems. Various media and techniques will be explored. [This course was previously ARTP 1120.]

      Semester Availability (Subject to Change): Fall, Spring

      Contact Hours: 90 studio hours per semester

      Credits: (3)

    • 3.00 Credits

      This course is an introduction to printmaking exploring several of the following processes: relief, intaglio, planography, and screen printing. [This course was previously ARTP 136.]

      PREREQUISITE: ART 1340 or permission of the department


      Semester Availability: SPRING ONLY - Semester Availability is subject to change. See your advisor.

      Contact Hours: 90 studio hours per semester

      pCredits: (3)

    • 3.00 Credits

      This course continues the exploration of clay as a creative medium established in ART 135, emphasizing aesthetic and personal solutions to ceramic design. Methods to be discussed include hand construction, wheel throwing, glazing and firing.

      Prerequisites ART 135, Ceramics 1

      Contact Hours: 90 studio hours per semester

      Credits: (3)

    • 3.00 Credits

      This is a hands-on course, introducing concepts in photography using digital equipment and relevant software. Technical, aesthetic and critical skills in digital photography and image manipulation using Photoshop will be covered. The goal is the production of creative, well executed photographs with an awareness of historical and contemporary concepts in photography. (This course was previously ARTP 155.)

      Semester Availability (Subject to Change): Fall, Spring, Summer

      Contact Hours: 90 studio hours per semester

      Credits: (3)

    • 3.00 Credits

      This course is a selective chronological study of the major visual art forms from Prehistoric through Gothic times. [This course was previously ARTH 2010.]

      Semester Availability: FALL ONLY - Semester Availability is subject to change. See your advisor. Course may be offered through TN eCampus.

      Prerequisites: Acceptable placement scores or completion of all Learning Support Competencies in Reading and Writing

      Contact Hours: 45 lecture hours per semester

      General Education: Course can be used to meet Minimum General Education Core requirements.

      Credits: (3)

    • 3.00 Credits

      This course is a selective chronological study of the major visual art forms from Renaissance through Modern times including movements and personalities in painting, sculpture, and architecture. [This course was previously ART 142 and ARTH 2020]

      Semester Availability: SPRING ONLY - Semester Availability is subject to change. See your advisor. Course may be offered through TN eCampus.

      Prerequisites: Acceptable placement scores or completion of all Learning Support Competencies in Reading and Writing

      Contact Hours: 45 lecture hours per semester

      General Education: Course can be used to meet Minimum General Education Core requirements.

      Credits: (3)