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    • 3.00 Credits

      THIS COURSE IS ONLY OFFERED THROUGH RODP. This course is designed to enable students to develop customized database applications. Subsequent to a brief survey of relational database techniques and methods, the emphasis will be on developing the necessary skills to design, create, and implement user-friendly front ends for relational databases. Using a database engine such as Microsoft Access 2002 (XP), the course will concentrate on developing and coding procedures using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications).
    • 3.00 Credits

      THIS COURSE IS ONLY OFFERED THROUGH RODP. This course is designed to prepare students for the COMPTIA Linux+ Certification Exam. Linux is a relatively new open source system software that is becoming increasingly popular for use on business Web Servers, email servers, application servers, and even personal desktop systems. This course is designed to prepare students to take the certification exam; however, it is not a substitute for the certification exam.
    • 3.00 Credits

      THIS COURSE IS ONLY OFFERED THROUGH RODP. This course is the study of various applications available for the support of web pages. Topics covered will include web page multimedia design and the enhanced use of scripting. The latest techniques of web page design technology will be emphasized.
    • 3.00 - 4.00 Credits

      This course provides an introduction to computer programming in a contemporary high level language. Both concepts and applications of actual programming in an event driven, Graphical Interface environment will be addressed. Emphasis is placed on problem analysis, use of structured programming techniques, data types, variable declaration, functions, and data files. (Formerly numbered CIS 140, CIS 170). (Course offered Fall only.)
    • 4.00 Credits

      This course provides advanced development of concepts and skills introduced in CISP 1010. Attention will be directed to object oriented programming techniques, enhanced programming logic skills, design of effective interfaces for a GUI application in an event-driven environment, and use of advanced data file concepts. (formerly numbered CIS 270). (Course offered Spring only.)
    • 3.00 Credits

      An introduction to computer science software concepts using C++. Algorithms, problem solving methods, systems development and implementation methodologies are addressed. Standard programming constructs such as simple data types, assignment statements, use of subprograms, loops, conditional statements, arrays, records, classes, abstract data types, and object oriented programming concepts are emphasized. The student will write short segments of C++ code that demonstrates command and understanding of the above concepts.
    • 3.00 Credits

      THIS COURSE IS ONLY OFFERED THROUGH RODP. This course covers the basic fundamental principles of Data Structures. It uses C++ as a programming language to implement a variety of data structures. As such it requires the knowledge of programming in C++ offered in the online course CIS1610: Programming in C++. Topics will include C++ STL containers, vectors, C++ pointers, dynamic memory, STL Stacks, STL Queues, and Lists with or without iterators. User Designed classes are implemented. (Formerly CST 203.)
    • 3.00 Credits

      THIS COURSE IS ONLY OFFERED THROUGH RODP. This course covers the basic fundamental principles of Data Structures. It uses C++ as a programming language to implement a variety of data structures. As such it requires the knowledge of programming in C++ offered in the online course CIS1610: Programming in C++. Topics will include C++ STL containers, vectors, C++ pointers, dynamic memory, STL Stacks, STL Queues, and Lists with or without iterators. User Designed classes are implemented. (Formerly CST 209.)
    • 3.00 Credits

      THIS COURSE IS ONLY OFFERED THROUGH RODP. This course continues the coverage of the fundamental concepts of Object Oriented Programming that started in Java Programming I (CST209-R50). Topics will include Super Classes, Sub Classes, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Stacks, Queues, and Lists. User Designed classes are implemented. (Formerly CST 218.)
    • 4.00 Credits

      This course is a study of computer organization and Assembly language. Topics include number systems, Boolean algebra, combinational and sequential circuits, processor functional units and control, pipelining, memory and caching, stored program computing, memory management, computer system organization, assembly language programming.