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    Course Search Results

    • 0.00 - 3.00 Credits

      A semester-length course for second language learners of English whose writing skills, as determined through standardized tests and/or writing samples, need additional practice to reach college-level proficiency in writing for academic courses.
    • 3.00 Credits

      Prerequisite: Placement into the course. This course builds students’ skills in engaged reading, critical thinking, essay organization and development, and grammar, with attention to all stages of the writing process from topic development through editing. Students write personal and persuasive essays and speeches, focusing on process and strategies vital to clear writing, including thesis, topic sentences, and choices in structure and supporting material.
    • 3.00 Credits

      Prerequisite: English 108 or placement into the course. This course develops students’ skills in communicating clearly through writing and speech, with attention to all stages of the composing process, including analysis of the rhetorical situation, invention and drafting, choices of evidence, peer conferencing, and revision. Students complete a variety of essays and presentations, with emphasis on persuasion and basic research.
    • 3.00 Credits

      Prerequisite: English 110 or placement into the course. This course hones students’ skills in writing and speech, with particular emphasis on strategies and sources appropriate for academic and professional work. It also provides instruction in argumentation and library research that supports students’ completion of an extended researched argument as well as multiple shorter writing assignments and presentations.
    • 0.00 - 1.00 Credits

      This course continues development of writing skills. It includes instruction on how to use the phrasal and clausal structures most common in English to craft grammatically correct sentences in paragraphs that show good variety of sentence openers, sentence structure, and sentence length. Open to all students, it is required for students who have earned a grade of U on the English Proficiency Exam. The course culminates in an administration of the proficiency exam.
    • 3.00 Credits

      This course enhances students’ communications skills through direct instruction and practice in all stages of speech composition and delivery. Students make presentations for a variety of academic, professional, and community contexts, with emphasis on extemporaneous delivery. Instructional points include relationship of oral and written style, audience analysis, organizational strategies, verbal citation of sources, and creation and integration of presentation aids. Small-group conferences and collaborative projects provide additional opportunities for honing skills in clear communication.
    • 3.00 Credits

      Prerequisite: Placement into English 110 or higher, or completion of English 108. A thematic approach designed to deepen understanding of the breadth, diversity and richness of Western culture as well as to develop interpretive and critical skills. Readings include classical, medieval and Renaissance texts. This course fulfills the core requirement in literature.
    • 3.00 Credits

      Prerequisite: Placement into English 110 or higher. Encompassing diverse perspectives on the American experience expressed through a variety of literary genres, this course introduces the basic tools of literary interpretation.
    • 0.00 - 3.00 Credits

      Prerequisite: CMP 120. A close analysis of modern fantasy with attention paid to the formal structures of the genre and its roots in the romance tradition. The emphasis is on such writers as J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Ursula Le Guin and Isaac Asimov.