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    Course Search Results

    • 3.00 Credits

      Prerequisites: SOC 101 and junior standing. Analysis of complex organizations and bureaucracy. The goals, design, internal structure, and environmental relations of organizations. The focus is on the individual, the group and the organization as units of analysis.
    • 0.00 - 15.00 Credits

      Prerequisite: Junior standing and permission of the Division of Social Sciences Chair. Field experiences that provide practical applications in appropriate work settings. Internships require a time commitment equivalent to full-time employment, with credit allotted on the basis of one credit hour for each week of full-time involvement.
    • 3.00 Credits

      Prerequisites: ENG 120, English Proficiency Exam, junior standing and SLS 301. The Senior Study requirement is fulfilled with this two-course sequence. Individual study, with the guidance of a faculty supervisor, that provides experience in independent research and the preparation of a formal paper.
    • 3.00 Credits

      Prerequisities: Senior standing and nine hours in sociology or permission of the instructor. An examination of classical and contemporary theories of the nature of society and human behavior. The course integrates matrials from the vairous sub-disciplines and provides a theoretical and philosophical framework for the discipline.
    • 0.00 - 1.00 Credits

      In the final semester of the senior year every student takes a comprehensive examination in the major field. The examination is designed to test the breadth and depth of understanding of the field, and to assess how well material from individual courses has been integrated.
    • 0.00 - 4.00 Credits

      An introduction to Spanish designed to give students the linguistic, cultural, and geographical background necessary to provide for their basic needs when they travel to a Spanish-speaking country. Emphasis is also given to conversing in basic Spanish within well-defined contexts, to reading short passages, and to writing simple sentences in Spanish. Cultural and linguistic concepts are reinforced by means of a variety of practical applications.
    • 0.00 - 3.00 Credits

      Prerequisite: Placement into the course or Spanish 120. An expansion of the grammar, culture, and vocabulary studied in elementary Spanish. Linguistic tasks studied include describing, narrating, and giving opinions and information on a variety of topics. Emphasis is also given to strengthening reading and writing skills through a study of authentic texts and short films. Students learn to speak and write sentences of greater structural sophistication that are logically connected in paragraph-length discourse.
    • 3.00 Credits

      Prerequisite: Spanish 202 or 203 or permission of the instructor. Introduces students to literary terminology, genres and problems encountered in reading/translation, while systematically reviewing and refining language skills as encountered in Spanish literature.
    • 3.00 Credits

      Prerequisites: Spanish 202 or Spanish 203 or permission of the instructor. A survey of the historical, cultural, geographic, artistic, and political structures of Latin America through reading, discussion, and presentation.