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    • 3.00 - 4.00 Credits

      A survey of the structure and function of the human integumentary, nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems. An introduction to cells and tissues is included. Laboratory work involves examination of models, mammalian dissections, and the study of skeletons.
    • 0.00 Credits

      Lab for the course BIO 217 Human Anatomy and Physiology I.
    • 4.00 Credits

      Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher in Biology 113. A study of the basic concepts and fundamentals in ecology and evolutionary biology. Emphasis is placed on the major principles in ecology and the important integrating evolutionary concepts. Major lecture topics include: historical aspects of ecology and evolution, Darwinian evolution, adaptation, natural selection, population ecology, community ecology, physiological and behavioral ecology, and large-scale ecology. The laboratory concentrates on the design and analysis of ecological observations and experiments in the field. Some late afternoon and weekend field trips are required.
    • 0.00 Credits

      Lab for the course BIO 222 Ecology and Evolution.
    • 1.00 Credits

      Corequisite or Prerequisite: Biology 221 or Biology 222 This course focuses on professional preparation, critical analysis of scientific papers, and presentation methods used by biologists.
    • 3.00 Credits

      Prerequisite: At least junior standing. This course is designed to introduce students to the basic technique of geographic information systems (GIS), including cartography, attribute data, map overlays, and geoprocessing, coordinate systems, editing, data queries, and the use of GIS for acquisition, manipulation, and analysis of data. Projects in this course emphasize the use of GIS in natural resource management, ecology, and conservation. The skills learned are universally applicable where GIS is utilized.
    • 0.00 - 15.00 Credits

      Prerequisites: At least 2.8 GPA in major/related courses, junior or senior standing, and division approval. Practical off-campus experiences that apply methodologies and techniques of the biological sciences in actual work settings in academic institutions, government laboratories or agencies, or private companies and organizations. One credit hour is associated with each week of full-time employment.
    • 3.00 Credits

      Prerequisites: ENG120, English Proficiency Exam, junior standing, at least 21 hours in biology courses that satisfy the requirements for a major in biology, and 8 hours in chemistry. The Senior Study requirement is fulfilled with this two-course sequence. Research in biology involves independent research under the guidance of a faculty advisor. The project culminates in formal presentation of a written document with appropriate supporting materials and an oral presentation.
    • 3.00 Credits

      Prerequisites: ENG120, English Proficiency Exam, junior standing, at least 21 hours in biology courses that satisfy the requirements for a major in biology, and 8 hours in chemistry. The Senior Study requirement is fulfilled with this two-course sequence. Research in biology involves independent research under the guidance of a faculty advisor. The project culminates in formal presentation of a written document with appropriate supporting materials and an oral presentation.