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CJS 431: Constitutional and Criminal Law
3.00 Credits
Tennessee Wesleyan University
Analysis of the leading constitutional principles pertaining to modern criminal procedure: a consideration of the effects of constitutional limits on law enforcement, judicial processes, and correctional practice. Prerequisite: CJ 211. (Spring)
CJS 431 - Constitutional and Criminal Law
CJS 441: Trial Practice and Evidence
3.00 Credits
Tennessee Wesleyan University
A study of the history, purpose, and theory of trial procedure and evidence. An examination of the history, purpose, and function of trials within the legal system. Participation by students in mock trial scenarios and competition.
CJS 441 - Trial Practice and Evidence
CJS 451: Forensic Evidence
3.00 Credits
Tennessee Wesleyan University
This course will introduce the student to the basics of the relationship of forensics and the law. Historical as well as practical application of forensic science will be discussed as to the application of forensic evidence within the legal system.
CJS 451 - Forensic Evidence
CJS 460: Internship In Ciminal Justice
0.00 Credits
Tennessee Wesleyan University
Supervised internship in a criminal justice agency employing a project-centered approach. Requires written application filed with the internship coordinator two months prior to the term of enrollment and an interview with the coordinator. Prerequisite: Minimum of 6 semester hours of upper division coursework in criminal justice and permission of instructor. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
CJS 460 - Internship In Ciminal Justice
CJS 467: Practicum In Law Enforcement
8.00 Credits
Tennessee Wesleyan University
This course is accredited by attending and graduating from a POST (Police Officer Standards and Training) approved law enforcement academy. Students are responsible for the cost of tuition at the academy. Criminal Justice majors only, senior status required or permission of instructor. Note: Any student who has graduated from POST (Police Officer Standards and Training) approved law enforcement academy may receive eight (8) hours credit in lieu of CJS 460r and CJS 467. (Summer)
CJS 467 - Practicum In Law Enforcement
CJS 471: Criminal Justice Senior Seminar
3.00 Credits
Tennessee Wesleyan University
Capstone course. Senior students will develop and complete in an approved major research project on a selected criminal justice topic. This project will be an integration of subject knowledge acquired in previous criminal justice courses. Final paper will be presented in a formal research seminar. For criminal justice majors only. Prerequisites: CJ 211, 321, 331 and senior status. (Spring)
CJS 471 - Criminal Justice Senior Seminar
COM 100: Understanding Human Communication
3.00 Credits
Tennessee Wesleyan University
A survey of the discipline of communication and its many-faceted fields. The course will examine the origins and history as well as core concepts, theories and practices at work in both mediated and non-mediated human communicative behaviors.
COM 100 - Understanding Human Communication
COM 200: Intro to Digital Media
3.00 Credits
Tennessee Wesleyan University
An overview of the origins and practices of digital media. Topics will include the legal, social, ethical and commercial implications in television, radio, movies, the internet, music recording and other newer emerging media.
COM 200 - Intro to Digital Media
COM 220: Intro to Journalism
3.00 Credits
Tennessee Wesleyan University
A survey of the history and theories of journalism and contemporary journalistic practices. Students will learn about the function, applications and operations of print, electronic and online news media. The emergence of New Media and its impact upon the field will also be explored.
COM 220 - Intro to Journalism
COM 240: Principles of Public Relations
3.00 Credits
Tennessee Wesleyan University
This course is an examination of the field of public relations in both profit and nonprofit settings. Topics will focus on the history, underlying principles, theory, practices, as well as planning and research within the field of public relations.
COM 240 - Principles of Public Relations
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