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    Course Search Results

    • 2.00 Credits

      Theories, methods, materials, and procedures as these apply to the education of kindergarten children. The course includes observation experiences with kindergarten children to enhance knowledge of pedagogy. Ten (10) hours of field experience required. Prerequisites: ** and completion of ED 340 (Fall, Spring)

      ** In order to register for this course, a student must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program, have completed ED 201, and maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA on all education courses attempted. New transfer students who have not had an opportunity to apply to the Teacher Education Program may receive approval from the Education Department for an exemption to this prerequisite following a transcript review. Certification of students� eligibility to take Education courses above ED 201 will be evaluated on an individual basis.

    • 3.00 Credits

      This course will provide a study of the laws related to general education and IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) that govern the operation and conduct of their organizations as they face a highly litigious society. The legal principles that affect the operation, organization, and administration of school systems will be discussed. Future teachers in regular or special education will gain knowledge about legal issues that help them in effectively performing their professional duties within the boundaries of current case law while acting en loco parentis (in lieu of the parent) for students. No field service requirement for this class. (spring, summer) Prerequisites: Students enrolling in ED435 will have completed PY 311 and PY 321 and be admitted in the Teacher Education Program (TEP) and an overall required GPA of 2.5.
    • 12.00 Credits

      The practicum is designed to aid the prospective pre-school teacher in development of methods and skills for guiding children in the learning process. Practical experience at two grade levels will be provided. Mentors and TWC supervisors will guide and assist the pre-service teacher toward success in the classroom. Prerequisites: Approval of the Teacher Education Committee, **, Documentation that the student has attempted a minimum of 2 required PRAXIS II exams. Must be taken concurrently with ED 475. (Fall, Spring)

      ** In order to register for this course, a student must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program, have completed ED 201, and maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA on all education courses attempted. New transfer students who have not had an opportunity to apply to the Teacher Education Program may receive approval from the Education Department for an exemption to this prerequisite following a transcript review. Certification of students� eligibility to take Education courses above ED 201 will be evaluated on an individual basis.

    • 12.00 Credits

      Designed to aid the prospective kindergarten, elementary, or middle school teacher in the development of skills and techniques necessary for guiding children in the learning process through practical experience in actual teaching. Experience will be required in kindergarten and a middle grade. Prerequisites: Approval of the Teacher Education Committee, **, Documentation that the student has attempted a minimum of 2 required PRAXIS II exams. Must be taken concurrently with ED 475. (Fall, Spring)

      ** In order to register for this course, a student must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program, have completed ED 201, and maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA on all education courses attempted. New transfer students who have not had an opportunity to apply to the Teacher Education Program may receive approval from the Education Department for an exemption to this prerequisite following a transcript review. Certification of students� eligibility to take Education courses above ED 201 will be evaluated on an individual basis.

    • 12.00 Credits

      This course is designed to aid the prospective special education teacher in elementary or middle school in the development of skills, methods, and intervention techniques necessary for guiding students in the learning process through practical experience. Experience will be required in both elementary and middle grades. Prerequisites: Approval of the Teacher Education Committee, documentation that the teacher candidate has passed all required Praxis exams. Must be taken concurrently with ED 475. (Fall, Spring)
    • 3.00 Credits

      Practicum in Secondary Education provides students seeking secondary certification with extensive field experience (20 hours) in a local secondary public school classroom. Students will learn to plan lessons in alignment with NCTE, NCTM, NSTA, or NCSS standards as well as with Tennessee State Curriculum Guidelines, and they will experience teaching at least three of these lessons to secondary students. ED 451 students will maintain a reflective field experience journal. Prerequisite: ** (Fall, Spring)

      ** In order to register for this course, a student must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program, have completed ED 201, and maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA on all education courses attempted. New transfer students who have not had an opportunity to apply to the Teacher Education Program may receive approval from the Education Department for an exemption to this prerequisite following a transcript review. Certification of students� eligibility to take Education courses above ED 201 will be evaluated on an individual basis.

    • 12.00 Credits

      Designed to aid the prospective secondary teacher in the development of skills and techniques necessary for guiding secondary students in the learning process through practical experience in actual teaching in his or her major area. Experience will be required in two classroom settings. Prerequisites: Approval of the Teacher Education Committee, **, Documentation that the student has attempted a minimum of two (2) required PRAXIS II exams. Must be taken concurrently with ED 475. (Fall, Spring)

      ** In order to register for this course, a student must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program, have completed ED 201, and maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA on all education courses attempted. New transfer students who have not had an opportunity to apply to the Teacher Education Program may receive approval from the Education Department for an exemption to this prerequisite following a transcript review. Certification of students� eligibility to take Education courses above ED 201 will be evaluated on an individual basis.

    • 12.00 Credits

      Designed to aid the prospective teacher in the development of skills and techniques necessary for guiding K-12 students in the learning process through practical experience in actual teaching in his or her major field. Experience will be required in two classroom settings. Attendance is required at a weekly campus seminar. Prerequisites: Approval of the Teacher Education Committee, **. Documentation that he student has attempted a minimum of 2 required PRAXIS II exams. Must be taken concurrently with ED 475. (Fall, Spring)

      ** In order to register for this course, a student must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program, have completed ED 201, and maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA on all education courses attempted. New transfer students who have not had an opportunity to apply to the Teacher Education Program may receive approval from the Education Department for an exemption to this prerequisite following a transcript review. Certification of students� eligibility to take Education courses above ED 201 will be evaluated on an individual basis.

    • 2.00 Credits

      Student Teaching Seminar I is designed to support students through a problem-based assessment (edTPA) which includes planning, instruction, and assessment, as well as, the state approved evaluation (TEAM). It also encompasses creating a positive learning environment, communication, collaboration, and development of a reflective teaching practice. This course must be taken the semester prior to ED 475 (Student Teaching Seminar II). Prerequisite: All students must be admitted to the TEP.
    • 3.00 Credits

      This capstone seminar is designed to accompany and enhance the student teaching experience. Seminar topics and discussions are directly related to the experience. Seminar topics and discussions are directly related to the experiences that student teachers are having in the elementary and secondary school classroom. The seminar meets once per week on campus. Prerequisites: Approval of the candidate�s Teacher Education Committee and admission to the Student Teaching Program. Must be taken concurrently with either ED 440, 445, 455, or 460. (Fall, Spring)