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    • 0.00 Credits

      Undergraduate level. All candidates for a degree from King are required to demonstrate competency in their major field. Students with more than one major must demonstrate competency in each of their major fields. All students will have to Pass according to the minimum requirement of their department. Any student who does not meet the requirement (Pass) of their comprehensive assessment of their major field will not graduate until the requirement has been met. Comprehensive assessment in business.
    • 3.00 Credits

      The course examines the leadership process as an influence relationship among leaders and followers. A central tenet of this course is that leadership can be learned. The course explores important organizational and behavioral issues in the leader-follower relationship; including the evolution of leadership theory personal characteristics of leaders and followers motivation and empowerment teamwork power and influence and change management.
    • 3.00 Credits

      This course addresses the critical need of managing human resources for organizational effectiveness. Topics include motivating individuals and teams performance evaluation distribution of power information and resources; intervention in systems; and creation of change-oriented cultures
    • 3.00 Credits

      This course is an introduction to quantitative research methods in business. It addresses the various purposes and approaches to conducting research studies the research process and develops methods of analyzing data using statistical software as a tool to aid in management decision-making. Emphasis is on understanding the concepts of statistical analyses choosing appropriate tools and procedures to use in a given context using the computer to carry out the procedures and then interpreting the computer results within the given context. Graduate learners will have an opportunity to synthesize these concepts as consumers of research (by critiquing published research) and as producers of research (quantitative analysis is built into the remaining elements of the business program).
    • 3.00 Credits

      This course is designed to expand the graduate learner's understanding of how economic analysis can help corporate managers maximize firm value. Management theory has long recognized the importance of thoroughly assessing a firm's internal and external environments as a foundation for strategic and operating initiatives. A thorough application of the tools of economics can enrich this process providing new insights and strategic options. Accordingly this course will concentrate on the use of economic tools to enhance the effectiveness of strategic positioning and organizational structure. Cases and problems are used to gain an understanding of these economic tools and their potential use for solving real-world problems
    • 3.00 Credits

      Marketing Management encompasses an extensive range of activities and concepts and is based on the systems approach to management. Today marketing takes place in a very dynamic marketplace where national economies are being affected by globalization and technological changes. This course provides managers with a broad overview of marketing principles for both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations including an emphasis on customer/client satisfaction and advanced marketing strategies. Graduate learners are given the opportunity to perform case analysis and develop a marketing plan
    • 3.00 Credits

      An advanced study of the promotion strategies within the marketing function. Emphasis is on planning creating and evaluating effective advertising sales promotion and publictiy programs to communicate among producers intermediaries and consumers.
    • 3.00 Credits

      A study of market research theory and techniques. Orientation to research design questionnaire design primary data collection sampling of human populations data analysis and research report writing. Designed to promote the understanding of the interrelationship between marketing research and marketing management.
    • 3.00 Credits

      This course focuses on cost-centers and profit centers examines cost accounting job order process and activity-based cost accounting systems and managerial accounting as a decision support system. Cases and problems are used to gain an understanding of these economic tools and their potential use for solving real-world problems.
    • 3.00 Credits

      This course is designed to help managers understand financial analysis so that they can work effectively with financial decision-makers in organizations. Topics covered include financial statement analysis risk and return discounted cash flow analysis cost of capital capital budgeting long-term financing and working capital management.