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    Course Search Results

    • 4.00 - 5.00 Credits

      In this course students will focus on the health of individuals families and populations in the community through analysis of the community's culture values and wellbeing and by designing and implementing nursing interventions to promote and maintain health of populations within the community. In addition students spend 90 hours in this course assessing planning and delivering health care to individual clients of different cultures ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds when practicing within the public health clinics occupational health facilities home health agencies the public schools and community volunteer organizations serving vulnerable populations. Credit for this course requires satisfactory completion of clinical experience in related healthcare setting.
    • 4.00 - 5.00 Credits

      This course focuses on a family centered approach to the nursing care of children and adolescents. Students focus on promoting maintaining and restoring health and facilitating adaptation in the family using a holistic approach. Principles included are growth and development assessment risk reduction and child and family education. Credit for this course requires satisfactory completion of clinical experience in related healthcare setting.
    • 5.00 Credits

      This course focuses on knowledge and skills needed to promote mental wellness maintain mental health and care for persons experiencing mental illness across the lifespan. Emphasis is placed on cultural competence human rights advocacy altruism therapeutic communication interdisciplinary collaboration milieu management socioeconomic awareness holism and professionalism. Clinical emphasis is placed on delivering safe humanistic high quality care to individuals families groups communities and populations experiencing mental illness in a variety of settings. Credit for this course requires satisfactory completion of clinical experience in related healthcare setting.
    • 6.00 Credits

      This senior level nursing course continues to integrate nursing knowledge and skills mastered in the NURS 3122 course. The student will be expected to identify and incorporate health promotion interventions understand more advanced disease processes utilize diagnostic and laboratory testing resources and implement nursing care specific to the patient population being served in the health care environment. The focus of this course will be centered on the elderly population. Special emphasis is placed on nursing students successfully applying critical reasoning skills both in the classroom and clinical setting.
    • 3.00 Credits

      This course focuses on knowledge and skills relevant in leadership and management quality improvement patient safety finance and communication/collaboration with healthcare professionals in various clinical settings to promote high quality patient care. Topics such as leadership styles skills and strategies; organizational structures process of change problem-solving communication principles conflict resolution teamwork skills delegation supervision; CQI principles benchmarking processes and monitoring; patient safety principles; risk management; ethical and legal issues; scope of practice and healthcare finance as it relates to budgets will serve as the foundation. Students will enhance their abilities to become participatory decision-makers set priority; and manage and evaluate nursing care.
    • 2.00 - 3.00 Credits

      This course continues to focuses on the relationship between pharmacologic and pharmacokinetic knowledge and nursing practice with emphasis placed on applying critical thinking skills to safe medication administration across the lifespan
    • 4.00 - 5.00 Credits

      This course is a combined didactic and clinical practicum course to support the transition of the senior-level nursing student to a professional practice role. The didactic portion prepares the senior nursing studentfor the required comprehensive competency assessment the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) and the role of the professional registered nurse. The didactic portion combined with the clinical integration portion of this course emphasizes effective communication nursing assessment diagnostic and laboratory interpretation appropriate nursing interventions patient and family education criticalreasoning skills interdisciplinary teamwork prioritization and delegation and time management skills essential for the successful transition into professional practice. Successful completion of this course required the student to satisfactorily complete 120 precepted clinical hours
    • 4.00 Credits

      In this course students will explore ethical considerationsin contemporary nursing. Topics include: historical forces influencing the development of nursing ethical theory and principles values clarification ethical decision-making legal issues interprofessional relationship issues practice issues related to technology patients� right to self-determination palliative care and end of lifeissues scholarship economic social and gender issues and global nursing. This course will require students todemonstrate a competency in caring for the body mind and spirit of the individual family and community while exploring their own ethical and values systems
    • 4.00 Credits

      In this course the student will learn about caring for the public's community health problems epidemiology and the promotion of community preventive health programs with a focus on local state federal and international health policy issues that impact individuals families and groups. This course is both community-based and community-focused reflecting today's changing societal needs; the course addresses the assessment and care of communities and target populations.
    • 4.00 Credits

      In this course the student will learn about population health public health issues epidemiology and the promotion of community preventive health programs with a focus on local regional national and global public health challenges that affect individuals groups and populations. This course is both community-based and community-focused reflecting today�s changing societal needs and the role environment plays in the health of communities. The course addresses the assessment and care of communities and target populations as the student learns to view health needs from a population health perspective.