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    • 4.00 Credits

      This introductory course addresses such basic questions as: Who has power in the United States? How are decisions made? Can we make a difference? Pluralist and Elite theories are examined. The course broadly surveys the American political system focusing on the Constitution political processes and government institutions. Non-government institutions such as interest groups and the media are also considered.
    • 4.00 Credits

      This introductory course to world politics examines the nation-state power war and cooperation-in short the nature of the international political system. This course surveys the predominant theoretical paradigms that explain the international political system the historical evolution of the international political system sources of conflict in world politics international political economy as well as features of international government.
    • 4.00 Credits

      Since its first conception the notion of who can be a citizen and what citizenship entails has changed. In the United States the rights and privileges of citizenship have been won by an increasing proportion of the population since the founding of the nation. Those considered outside the realm of full political equality have organized resources to obtain recognition and rights to participate in governing. By claiming the rights of citizenship women minorities and young people have won the right to vote and equal protections under the Constitution. Outside of the U.S. context groups have worked to shape their own governments through both political and extra-political means. The course surveys the practice of American citizenship and asks what this means in a global age. Students will reflect on their own practice of citizenship the challenges of being engaged citizens in the federal system of the U.S. and what it means to be citizens in an increasingly diverse nation and interdependent world
    • 4.00 Credits

      This course serves as an introduction to the institutional structure and evolving mission of the United States Intelligence Community and examines the complex political interface between intelligence policy and democratic citizenship in contemporary America.
    • 4.00 Credits

      Since the end of the Cold War direct threats to America�s security have not come from Soviet-style conventional armies but rather from underground transnational groups such as computer hackers nuclear weapons smugglers or militant Islamists. This course serves as an introduction to the constantly changing landscape of contemporary unconventional security threats and examines the complex geopolitical identities of America�s non-state adversaries.
    • 4.00 Credits

      This is an introductory course that trains students in the methodolgies of analyzing intelligence for the purpose of informing policy decisions. Course participants are instructed to use techniques of crafting factual analysis reducing ambiguity avoiding cognitive traps and employing incremental analysis. Students are evaluated in accordance to their dedication to the scientific method objectivity and display of intellectual precision.
    • 4.00 Credits

      This course examines the original design history and political significance of the Chief Executive of the United States including elections shared government with Congress and the constitutional basis for presidential power both domestically and internationally. Students will examine the careers of various presidents and learn to assess their contribution for better or worse to American political life.
    • 4.00 Credits

      An introductory overview of American Constitutional Law especially as it has been interpreted and defined through cases decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. The course will address major issues of separation of powers federalism and individual rights.
    • 4.00 Credits

      An introduction to the study of American law and the American legal system focusing on the development and contemporary interpretation of the American Constitution. The case method of analysis is utilized.
    • 4.00 Credits

      An introduction to the study of Chinese politics and history. Traditional China will be considered yet the focus will be on China since the Revolution of 1911: the Chinese civil war the Sino-Japanese war the rise of communism the People's Republic of China and recent domestic and foreign policy.