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    Apply to Walters State Community College

    We're so excited that you've decided to attend college at Walters State! Select your student type below and follow the step-by-step enrollment process outlined just for you!

    Already started and need to complete your application? Click Here.

    Already completed your application and need to check your applicant status portal? Click Here.

    First-Time Degree Seeking Student

    This is my first-time attending college and I want to earn an associate's degree or certificate.

    Transfer Student

    I have attended another college and would like to attend Walters State.

    Readmitted Student

    I have previously attended Walters State and plan to re-enroll to earn my degree.

    Transient Student

    I am enrolled at another college, but I want to attend Walters State to take courses and transfer back to my original college. 

    Non-Degree Seeking Student

    I want to participate and enroll in a class at Walters State or audit a class.

    Dual Enrollment Student

    I will be a high school junior or senior and want to receive college and high school credit at the same time by taking college courses.