The University of Tennessee - Martin may be accepting transfer students just like you. From here you can see how your courses may transfer into credits at
The University of Tennessee - Martin, allowing you to save time and money by earning your degree faster. Add the courses you've taken at other institutions, and other exam provider information such as AP exams to see how your coursework may transfer.
Checking if The University of Tennessee - Martin is competitive...
Import Course Favorites
Importing Course Favorites... please wait
We noticed that you have saved some course favorites. Would you like to import them to see how they would
transfer to The University of Tennessee - Martin? Select Import Course Favorites to add them.
This is optional - you may skip this and enter your courses manually
An error occurred while importing your course favorites.
Select the Retry Import button below to attempt another import of your course favorites or select Next to start manually entering courses for an institution.
Retry Import
Select your institution
Start typing the name of an institution you've attended and we'll see what courses are available to compare:
Import your courses from
provides a Course Work Importer that allows you to save time by importing your courses
This is optional - you may skip this and enter your courses manually
Petition to have a Course Work Importer
does not provide a Course Work Importer that would allow you to save time by importing your courses automatically.
If you would like to petition to install a Course Work Importer, please click here:
Enter courses
Now add your courses by entering a year, term, course, and grade for each course that you have taken. It is best to have a printout of the courses you have taken, so that you can refer to them when entering courses. Don’t worry if your courses are not found in the system or if you do not have a grade, they will still be saved. Select Finish when done to see how your courses may transfer.
Select an exam provider
Select an exam provider for exams and other assessments you may have taken outside of normal courses so that we can see how these would transfer
Enter exam scores
Now add your exam scores by entering a year, title, and score for each exam that you have taken.
It is best to have a printout of the exams you have taken, so that you can refer to them when entering exams.
Don’t worry if your exams are not found in the system or if you do not have a score, they will still be saved.
Select Finish when done to see how your exams may transfer.