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    Course Search Results

    • 3.00 Credits

      Provides the prospective teacher in grades 7-12 with the basic principles of reading, including diagnosis and remediation, as well as methods for assisting secondary students in better understanding of reading assignments in the content area. Ten 10) hours of field experience are required. Prerequisite: ** (Spring)

      ** In order to register for this course, a student must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program, have completed ED 201, and maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA on all education courses attempted. New transfer students who have not had an opportunity to apply to the Teacher Education Program may receive approval from the Education Department for an exemption to this prerequisite following a transcript review. Certification of students� eligibility to take Education courses above ED 201 will be evaluated on an individual basis.

    • 3.00 Credits

      Teaching Mathematics and Science in Grades K-6 includes methods and materials for teaching mathematics and science. The emphasis is on developing children�s problem-solving strategies, skills, and abilities, and on promoting active science and mathematics investigation. Multiple perspectives and approaches to planning, teaching, and assessing science and mathematics in the elementary classroom are explored and practiced. Fifteen (15) hours of field experience, including work with computer technology, is required. Prerequisites: ** and completion of the ACR math and science requirements. (Fall, Spring)

      ** In order to register for this course, a student must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program, have completed ED 201, and maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA on all education courses attempted. New transfer students who have not had an opportunity to apply to the Teacher Education Program may receive approval from the Education Department for an exemption to this prerequisite following a transcript review. Certification of students� eligibility to take Education courses above ED 201 will be evaluated on an individual basis.

    • 3.00 Credits

      Materials and methods for teaching math, science, and social studies in a foundational approach will be utilized. Thematic teaching and planning is stressed. Practical experiences with all three subjects are required. Fifteen (15) field experience hours in a public school required. Prerequisite: ED 201, **

      ** In order to register for this course, a student must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program, have completed ED 201, and maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA on all education courses attempted. New transfer students who have not had an opportunity to apply to the Teacher Education Program may receive approval from the Education Department for an exemption to this prerequisite following a transcript review. Certification of students� eligibility to take Education courses above ED 201 will be evaluated on an individual basis.

    • 3.00 Credits

      Assists the student seeking secondary certification on developing a personal understanding of general and specific methods for teaching in a secondary school. This course will include a close study of teaching practices and procedures appropriate for each student�s specific content area. ED 385 students will complete 15 field experience hours in a local public secondary school classroom and will teach three lessons to these secondary students. Emphases will include aligning lesson plans with national and state curriculum standards as well as meeting the needs of diverse learners in the secondary classroom. Prerequisite: ** (Fall, Spring)

      ** In order to register for this course, a student must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program, have completed ED 201, and maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA on all education courses attempted. New transfer students who have not had an opportunity to apply to the Teacher Education Program may receive approval from the Education Department for an exemption to this prerequisite following a transcript review. Certification of students� eligibility to take Education courses above ED 201 will be evaluated on an individual basis.

    • 3.00 Credits

      The purpose of this course is to acquaint the learner with the theory, principles, goals, and methods of integrating the elementary curricula using language arts and social studies as the organizing concepts. The IRA/NCTE and NCSS curricular standards serve as the core. Writing workshop, inquiry as a curricular framework, collaborative learning, the use of technology, and sensitivity to multi-cultural differences are stressed. Strategies for meeting the needs of all learners are included. Fifteen (15) hours of field experience required. Prerequisites: ** and have completed E/LS 312, ED 230, and ED 340. (Fall, Spring)

      ** In order to register for this course, a student must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program, have completed ED 201, and maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA on all education courses attempted. New transfer students who have not had an opportunity to apply to the Teacher Education Program may receive approval from the Education Department for an exemption to this prerequisite following a transcript review. Certification of students� eligibility to take Education courses above ED 201 will be evaluated on an individual basis.

    • 2.00 Credits

      Designed to assist the student in developing a personal management philosophy and style based on a study of various classroom management models. Prerequisite: ** (Fall, Spring)

      ** In order to register for this course, a student must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program, have completed ED 201, and maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA on all education courses attempted. New transfer students who have not had an opportunity to apply to the Teacher Education Program may receive approval from the Education Department for an exemption to this prerequisite following a transcript review. Certification of students� eligibility to take Education courses above ED 201 will be evaluated on an individual basis.

    • 2.00 Credits

      Classroom management methods for the primary grades are emphasized. Organization and planning center on safety issues in the classroom, playground, field trips, etc. Emphasis will be placed on organizational tools to manage an environment for primary children. Twenty (15) field experience hours in a public school required. Prerequisites: ED 320, ED 350 **

      ** In order to register for this course, a student must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program, have completed ED 201, and maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA on all education courses attempted. New transfer students who have not had an opportunity to apply to the Teacher Education Program may receive approval from the Education Department for an exemption to this prerequisite following a transcript review. Certification of students� eligibility to take Education courses above ED 201 will be evaluated on an individual basis.

    • 3.00 Credits

      This secondary course provides an in-depth study of the major concepts related to measurement and evaluation in the classroom. A knowledge of the uses for descriptive and inferential statistics is essential. Prerequisite: ** (Fall)

      ** In order to register for this course, a student must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program, have completed ED 201, and maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA on all education courses attempted. New transfer students who have not had an opportunity to apply to the Teacher Education Program may receive approval from the Education Department for an exemption to this prerequisite following a transcript review. Certification of students� eligibility to take Education courses above ED 201 will be evaluated on an individual basis.

    • 2.00 Credits

      Methodologies for assessing language and reading acquisition during the learning process are examined. Actual testing scenarios in the primary grades will be provided utilizing mini case study methods. Fifteen (15) field experience hours in a public school required. Prerequisites: ED 320, ED 350, ** (Fall, Spring)

      ** In order to register for this course, a student must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program, have completed ED 201, and maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA on all education courses attempted. New transfer students who have not had an opportunity to apply to the Teacher Education Program may receive approval from the Education Department for an exemption to this prerequisite following a transcript review. Certification of students� eligibility to take Education courses above ED 201 will be evaluated on an individual basis.

    • 2.00 Credits

      Students will examine methods and instruments for assessing learners and literacy development with an emphasis on those learners who are grappling with literacy. The students will also learn how to link the results of assessment with classroom practice. Fifteen (15) hours of field experience are required. Prerequisites: ED 340, ** and completion of ED 340 or ED 355. (Fall, Spring)

      ** In order to register for this course, a student must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program, have completed ED 201, and maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA on all education courses attempted. New transfer students who have not had an opportunity to apply to the Teacher Education Program may receive approval from the Education Department for an exemption to this prerequisite following a transcript review. Certification of students� eligibility to take Education courses above ED 201 will be evaluated on an individual basis.